Supporting Characters

     From time to time, there may be mention of the following characters, who play a role in the lives of the dog pack.

Seeka (1999-2009)

     A yellow lab mix given up as a young pup, Seeka possessed super powers that made her the most entertaining pet I have ever had.  These powers included, but are not limited too, destroying everything in her path, striking fear into the hearts of dogs and squirrels, winning the heart of every human she ever met and attacking trees with frightening viciousness.
     Seeka came to live with us the year after we got Nivek as a 12 week old pup, or, the most destructive beast ever in the history of the universe.  Thankfully, she made Nivek into the wonderful animal that he is today.  On December 27, 2009, Seeka was put to sleep after a long battle with cancer, she was surrounded by everyone who loved her.  Ten years was not enough.  After she died, Nivek went crazy and destroyed my $90.00 custom made kitchen blinds and my table.  Such destruction is a small ode to the magnitude of the loss.
     Seeka loved fetch, peanut butter on toast, policing my mom's cats, swimming, and following you everywhere you went, all day, every day for her entire life to the point her body was a tripping hazard.  She hated trees, riding in the car and squirrels. 

     Buzz Lightyear
     Buzz Lightyear is a Shi Poo Maltese mix that was purchased from a breeder, on purpose, by my youngest brother, Kirk, three years ago.  Since Buzz, and my brother, don't live very far away, my dogs occasionally run into him at family events. 
     Buzz is exceptionally cute, friendly with other dogs, loves his blue blanket and his cat family, Cheech and Smoky.  They don't love him all that much, but I digress.  Buzz hates being brushed and being left alone.  He is currently romantically interested in Nuka, but his advances have yet to be returned.